Our Vision

We are a community striving to live as Witnesses of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8).



(Acts 4:8-31)

Committed to the Gospel

The gospel is the good news that through Jesus, God graciously redeems and restores broken lives. It reveals the great depth of God’s love for the world and inspires us to a life of devotion and mission. Through our preaching, teaching, and counselling, we seek to bring the gospel to bear on all of life.

Committed to the Church

Through the gospel, God changes our hearts and makes us into people who can relate to each other honestly and lovingly. Each Sunday we joyfully gather to worship, be built up in our faith and equipped for mission in the world. Throughout the week we meet in small groups for friendship, Bible study, prayer and more.

Committed to the Bible

We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, equipping us to know, love and serve God faithfully. So we keep Scripture at the heart of our home and church life, listening humbly and carefully, allowing it to guide all our thinking, feeling and working.

Committed to the World

We want everyone to discover what God can do through them and to be equipped for effective witness on their ‘frontline’ – be it their workplace, university, or school. We also aim to serve our local community where we live.